Single Sign On

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SSO is an authentication technique that enables a user to access various apps or services using a single set of login credentials (such as a username and password). Instead of remembering and entering distinct usernames and passwords for each application or service, SSO allows users to log in once and then easily access many resources without having to re-enter their credentials

Here's how SSO typically works:

  • User Authentication: When a user first signs in to an SSO-enabled system (also known as the Identity Provider or IdP), they provide their username and password.
  • Authentication Verification: The user's credentials are validated by the Identity Provider.
  • Token Generation: If the credentials are legitimate, the Identity Provider creates a security token, which is often in the form of a session cookie or a security assertion (for example, a SAML or OAuth token).
  • Token Usage: This token is saved in the user's browser or client application.
  • Accessing Other Services: When a user tries to access another application or service (Service Provider or SP), the SP sends the user to the Identity Provider for authentication.
  • Token Verification: Recognizing the user's existing session, the Identity Provider issues a new token for the specific service requested without asking the user to submit their credentials again.
  • Access Granted: The user gains access to the desired service without the need to log in separately.

Benefits of Single Sign-On (SSO) include:

  1. Convenience: Users only need to remember one set of credentials, making it easier to access multiple services.

  2. Improved Security: SSO can enforce strong authentication methods and centralize access control, reducing the risk of password-related security breaches.

  3. User Productivity: It reduces the time and effort required to log in to various systems, boosting productivity.

  4. Centralized Management: Administrators can manage user access and authentication policies from a central point, enhancing security and control.

  5. Audit and Reporting: SSO solutions often provide audit trails and reporting capabilities for tracking user access to resources.

SSO is a popular method for streamlining user access while preserving security and control over authentication and authorisation in business environments, web applications, and cloud services. SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language), OAuth, OpenID Connect, and other SSO protocols and standards are popular.